Trouble-shooting the Fuel Pump

By , 2010/06/11 10:42 am

Shawn and I spent a couple hours last night trouble-shooting a weird fuel pump problem. Three times now, while driving, the engine has become starved of fuel and died. The Facet electrical fuel pump was not heard ticking away under the tank. The first two times this happened, it was revived after reseating the fuse and apparently fiddling with the wires on the back of the fuse block.

We tested the wiring and found that we could manipulate the on/off state by simply pushing the wire around behind the fuse block. At the ‘off’ state, voltage would drop from 11 or so down to 7.5 or lower. We’re going to re-splice the connection behind the fuse block and see if that helps. This was a strange one to track down.

But at least we also identified the horn relay as the hot wire on the steering column so we can work on getting that fixed now too.

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